Examining the Attitude of Young Indian Fashion Consumers towards Facebook Advertising by Indian Designer Brands


I acknowledge the participants that partook in the survey. I thank the marketing executives at Rohit Bal, Ritu Wears and Sabyasachi for their imput into this study. Finally, I acknowledge the input of my supervisor that was invaluable in the completion of this research and write up.


The fashion sector forms a significant part (8 percent) of the retail industry in India. The fast-growing and expanding Indian economy means that this area is undergoing a massive transformation as it adapts to its newfound status in the global economic. The Indian apparel industry constitutes 8 percent of the entire Indian retail market. This translates to around 40 million dollars. The emergence of India as a force to reckon with in the global economic setup can be attributed to the growth and expansion of its retail sector. Technology, especially the advent and increase in the use of social media has transformed the marketing approaches adopted by businesses. A huge number of people are connected through social platforms on the internet. Consequently, they interact on a day-to-day basis throughout the world. In the past, telephones, televisions, print media, mail, email, and radio were predominantly used to communicate and interact nationally and worldwide. Today’s dynamics has transformed markedly because of the ease and reliability of connection, sharing, and interaction enabled by social media avenues such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and Snapchat. This study will focus on the use of Facebook in India. It will appraise how the fashion sector firms have employed Facebook as a crucial tool in an advertisement. Additionally, this study will evaluate the impact of a Facebook commercial on the behavior and conduct of the target customers regarding their purchase behavior and perceptions of the goods produced by the Indian fashion sector.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement 2

Abstract 3


1.1 Background. 6

1.2 Research Problem.. 11

1.3 Research Objectives. 13

1.4 Research Structure. 14


2.1 Persuasive Advertisement vs. Nudging. 15

2.2 Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising. 17

2.3 Social Media and the Fashion Industry. 20

2.4 Attitudes towards Fashion Advertising on Social Media Platforms. 23


3.1 Introduction to the Chapter 25

3.2 Research Philosophy. 25

3.2.1 Positivism.. 26

3.3 Research Approach. 27

3.3.1 Deductive Approach. 27

3.4 Research Design. 28

3.4.1 Explorative Research. 28

3.4.2 Conclusive Research. 29

3.5 Data Collection. 29

3.5.1 Qualitative Research. 29

3.5.2 Quantitative Research. 29

3.5.3 Secondary Data. 30

3.5.3 Primary Data. 30

3.6 Limitations of the Study. 33

3.7 Ethical Considerations. 33

3.7 Reliability and Validity. 33

3.7.1 Reliability. 33

3.7.2 Validity. 34

3.8 Chapter Summary. 34


4.1 Introduction to the Chapter 36

4.2 Questionnaire Results. 36

4.2.1 Quantitative Data. 36

4.2.2 Qualitative Data. 51

4.3 Interview Results. 53

4.3.1 Qualitative Results. 53


5.1 The influence of Facebook. 55

5.2 Benefits of the Fashion Industry from Facebook. 56


6.1 Conclusion. 58

6.2 Recommendations to Improve the Facebook Advertising. 59

6.3 Recommendation for Future Research. 59

Bibliography. 60


1.1 Background

According to Verhoef et al. (2009), information has become the core driver of businesses as well as consumer behavior. As a result, the flow of information from a firm to its target market from such customers to the company has massive effects on the success of such an enterprise regarding its market share, brand equity, and its competitive edge in the market. Globalization has established a new external environment dynamic to the corporate sector. It has led to a surge in competition for the market share globally. At the same time, it has resulted in an increase in innovation and creativity among the competing enterprises. Saturation of markets has forced some of the largest corporations in the world to seek new markets in new frontiers and geographical locations. For example, some of these companies have expanded to the emerging economies. Such nations such as India, China, and Brazil offer a massively unexploited market with little competition. Consequently, these companies can enter these markets and establish dominance in such market segments. In the West, markets are massively saturated, and the level of competition is cutthroat. As a result, firms are forced to spend massive sums of resources to invest in research and development (R&D) centers, innovative and creative approaches to gain a competitive advantage. Besides this, marketing is the other tool used by these enterprises to connect with the market and differentiate their goods and services from the existing competition. In this information age, consumers need information to make decisions on their purchases preferences. According to Reis et al. (2015), a lack of information or visibility in the market could spell a massive failure of a brand, product or service. As a result, marketing in one form or another is an absolute necessity for the profit organizations operating in the globalized and highly competitive markets. Studies have indicated that marketing has a direct effect on consumer behavior. It is in the best interest of businesses to influence or affect consumer behavior in a manner that gets these buyers to purchase their brand products or services. One of the core approaches in marketing is advertising (Reis et al., 2015). However, before understanding how advertising works, it is crucial to comprehend the concept of consumer behavior.

Armstrong et al. (2014) argue that in today’s market dynamics, the core driver of an enterprise’s production policy as well as sales, promotional and even marketing approaches is the needs and preferences of the customers. In the past, companies could produce goods and services and put them on the market without understanding whether there is demand for such products. However, today such an approach can be self-defeatist for the business. It is imperative for a firm to know its market segment, target and position strategically with its production to stand a chance of success (Armstrong et al., 2014). Consequently, understanding the concept of consumer behavior provides an adequate foundation to build an estimation of the needs, preferences, and tastes of the target market segment. In turn, this information is used in the production, packaging and marketing techniques adopted by the business.

According to Goh, Heng & Li (2013), consumer behavior refers to the analysis or evaluation of groups, individuals or organizations and the rationale they employ in their use, selection, security as well as the disposal of services or products. Additionally, the experiences and ideas formed after the utilization of the goods and services in the market form part of the feedback that is crucial to improving the quality of the products. Moreover, such information can be employed to build on the specificity of the targeting and positioning of the business in the market segment(s) (Goh, Heng & Li, 2013). Overall, the concept purchase behavior targets the impact these processes have on the society and the individual consumer. It appraises how they shape and influence the mindset of the customer. It also analyzes how this translates to the choices they make in the market regarding brands, sub-brands, products, and services. The concept combines sociology (Goh, Heng and Li 121), psychology, marketing, economics, as well as social anthropology to provide an indication or insight into the process taken by buyers to make a decision at the group and individual levels in the society.

According to Habibi, Laroche & Marie-Odile (2016), the importance of customer behavior is its impact on the marketing strategic approaches adopted by businesses. Before a company rolls out a marketing strategy, they vet their market segment. They analyze both the external and internal factors influencing the purchasing behavior of individuals and the groups in such a segment. This will help the enterprise to target and position in the market strategically to establish a competitive edge over its competitors. Similarly, the firm will understand the peculiar or particular needs, preferences, and tastes of the consumer market. This will help in decision-making at the production and marketing level (Vinerean et al., 2013). For example, it will help the company to develop advertisements that meet the needs of the business to inform the public but also be specific and targeted to attract the attention of the market segment the company aims to win.

This raises the core issue, what is the advertisement, and, how does it work? It is a concept categorized under marketing communication. This means it aims to communicate a targeted message to a specific audience. Okazaki & Taylor (2013) indicate that an advertisement is used to sell, promote a product or service produced by a firm into the market. The underlying concept of this form of communication marketing is that the customers need to be informed of the existence, attributes, differentiation, and advantages of products and services in the market. According to Bold et al. (2016), The assumption here is that the clients do not know the existence of a product or service, they are not aware of the primary attributes of the product, or finally, they are not aware of the differentiation among the variety of similar products in the market. As a result, it is incumbent upon the enterprise to inform the market of its existence and differentiate its products and services from the rest of the options flooding the market. The conventional purpose of a commercial is to inform and convince the customer on why they should choose the product or service that is the subject of the said ad.

Conventionally, advertising has taken the form of billboards, wall paintings, flyers, radio, television, and cinema adverts. However, the advent of the Internet has led to a massive transformation of the business outlook as well as the techniques and strategic approaches to marketing and especially advertisements. Today, companies use their websites, social media accounts, as well as other platforms such as search engines, blogs, and other tools to advertisement their products or services (Chatzithomas et al., 2014). This has marked the new frontier of advertisement and marketing as a whole. This will be the target of this study.

Social media has transformed interaction and sharing of information and news globally. In today’s society, millions of people are connected through social platforms on the internet. As a result, they interact on a day-to-day basis throughout the world. In the past, telephones, televisions, print media, mail, email, and radio were predominantly used to communicate and interact nationally and worldwide (Chatzithomas et al., 2014). Today’s dynamics have transformed markedly because of the ease and reliability of connection, sharing, and interaction enabled by social media avenues such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and Snapchat.

This study will focus on the Indian fashion industry and, its marketing strategic approaches, especially the use of Facebook. The Indian apparel industry constitutes 8 percent of the entire Indian retail market. This translates to around $40 million. The emergence of India as a force to reckon with in the global economic setup can be attributed to the growth and expansion of its retail sector. The retail industry in the country is illustrated in figure 1 below:

Figure 1: The Indian Retail Market (Source: Zaheer, 2016)

However, the emergence of the fashion industry is faced with crucial challenges. One of these issues is the development of the brand. Western fashion companies heavily dominate the global apparel sector. The firms from the West have massive reputational advantages in the market. They have prestige, enormous market shares throughout the world, extensive research and development (R&D) investments, and advanced innovative and creative approaches. The other challenges are illustrated in figure 2 below.


Figure 2: Challenges Facing the Indian Apparel Sector (Source: Zaheer, 2016)

Consequently, the Indian sector is in much need of innovation and strategic approaches that will enable it to compete favorably in the local and global fashion market. One of the emerging marketing platforms in India is Facebook. This study will evaluate the use of Facebook in the country. Additionally, it will appraise the extent of impact the use of Facebook has on the day-to-day lives of individuals and groups in the country. In this regard, the study will target to evaluate the effect of Facebook on consumer behavior trends in the country. The research will specifically focus on the fashion industry.

1.2 Research Problem

The global list of users of Facebook per country is illustrated in figure 3 below:

Figure 3: Highest Numbers of Facebook Users per Country (Source: Zaheer, 2016)

The figure indicates that 108.9 million people use Facebook in India. As a result, India is the second largest user of this service behind the US. Facebook provides connectivity or a network of over 108 million people; this is a huge base for marketing for businesses. Studies indicate that over 121 million citizens in India had access to the Internet connection by 2011. The trajectory of social media, especially Facebook, suggests that it will continue to grow as globalization takes a bigger impact in the society. In comparison, the fashion industry is starting to grow and expand as part of a fast-growing Indian retail sector. As a result, there is an apparent opportunity for this industry to use Facebook as a marketing tool. The nature of Facebook indicates that it allows people to follow their friends or even celebrities. It permits the sharing of text, pictures, videos, and even links to blogs or websites. As a result, it forms an excellent tool for sharing or advertisements. The fashion industry or the firms operating in this sector can create a close bond or connection and constant interaction with the local and international market through Facebook. This allows the industry to share pictures of its products, videos, and descriptions of their products to millions of people in India as well as the rest of the world. There is a need to establish the connection between Facebook use and the day-to-day decisions of individuals and groups in India. What is the relationship between the personality displayed on Facebook and the real-life personality and attitudes? There is a need to establish whether the difference, if any, reduce the impact of Facebook on the behavior or attitude of the individual or group.

However, the use of Facebook is not highly regulated or controlled by the government or other bodies. As a result, its use is highly volatile. This volatility makes it unpredictable and, thus, challenging to discern data such as the impact of the marketing initiatives on the customer behavior or purchase decisions they make. The core approach in this analysis is a thematic evaluation of the messages and feedback provided on Facebook on these advertisements. As a result, the study will analyze the emotion and other signs indicative of the attitude of the users. Additionally, trending issues and the buzz such a commercial creates can also be used in this analysis. However, how does the study establish the effect of this advertisement on the purchase decisions of a consumer using Facebook? Additionally, the privacy issues mean that access to such Facebook information might be restricted.

1.3 Research Objectives

  1. The study aims to evaluate the influence of Facebook (social media) on the fashion industry in India
  2. A) How does social media function in India?
  3. What is the influence of Facebook on the day-to-day lives and decisions of young people in India?
  4. Do Indian Fashion Brands employ Facebook for marketing?
  5. What is the connection between Facebook-based marketing and the attraction of young Indian fashion consumers?
  6. The research targets to appraise how the fashion sector benefits from Facebook (social media) platform(s).
  7. How do Indian fashion brands use Facebook for marketing or advertisement?
  8. Why is Facebook a preferred choice for advertisement for these brand companies?
  9. How does the nature and use of Facebook facilitate the advertisements or marketing by these fashion companies?
  10. To provide recommendations on the future tactics or techniques to employ in connecting the marketing needs of the fashion industry with the opportunities provided by Facebook and social media as a whole.

1.4 Research Structure

The research will appraise Facebook, its use in India and the connection it shares with the fashion or apparel sector in the country. The core target of the study will be to evaluate the marketing techniques of the fashion industry, especially the use of Facebook to advertise the products from this industry to the young consumers in the market. The study will address the aspect of young consumer behavior; this will be connected to the targeted marketing of the firms in the fashion sector.

The dissertation will start with an introduction chapter. This will analyze the background to the core phenomena in the study. The chapter will also evaluate the objectives of the survey. As a result, it will set the foundation for the rest of the review. Secondly, the paper will provide a critical review of the literature on the core subject matter(s) such as consumer behavior, Facebook advertising, and the Indian fashion sector and its relationship with the consumer market. Thirdly, the paper will analyze the methodology of the journal. This will elaborate the techniques and tools used to collect data and analyze it to offer inferential conclusions. Fourthly, the results and discussion chapter will highlight the core findings established in the study and how they relate to the literature and background or context of the issues facing India. The paper will conclude with a conclusion and recommendations chapter.


Advertising represents one of the elements that make up the promotion aspect of the 4P’s marketing mix. However, in most instances, it is often regarded as the most critical in the overall marketing mix design. As such, its enhanced level of discernibility and universality has made it a critical social and economic issue in the Indian society. As such, advertising can be identified as the process of buying sponsor-determined media space or time for promoting a commodity or an idea (Kim & Eunju, 2012). For this reason, advertising entails the mass communication of information that is geared towards persuading buyers to purchase commodities or amenities with the core aim of increasing the company’s revenue. The significance of advertising to firms both large and start-ups in various sectors have grown over the years with many businesses committing massive financial outlays on product promotion campaigns. This importance is because advertising can stimulate market demand through influencing the purchasing decisions of the consumers (Chu et al., 2013).

2.1 Persuasive Advertisement vs. Nudging

Although it has been shown to work, persuasion of customers to buy products does not provide a long-term pool of clients. The development of loyalty offers such a guarantee. There are arguments that a firm needs the user to purchase the first product or service and subsequently it is easy to win them to the brand. Although this statement has some merit, an enterprise needs to invest in the emotion of the client rather than persuading them to purchase a product (Gehrt et al., 2012). Instead, there is a need to cultivate a relationship with the individual user or a group of customers over the attributes and issues of concern surrounding the product or service. In this case, free flow of information is crucial. As a result, a company needs to be forthwith in its communication. Additionally, it needs to be targeted and well researched on its audience or market segment. This enables the creation of an advertisement that will resonate and create excitement about the subject service or product in the market. The nature of social media makes it challenging to control the narrative. The sharing of information in the form of texts, works, descriptions of experiences and videos provides authenticity that cannot be countered by an advertisement. As a result, the counter approach here is to take the feedback from the users onboard and make the adequate changes to the quality or other attributes of the product. In fact, it is prudent to seek the feedback actively from the client. This way, the firm can gauge its position in the market, the reception of its brand as well as the perceptions that influence consumer behavior.

Additionally, the concept of persuasive advertisement as well as the concepts of Ehrenberg indicates that most businesses categorize customers into groups that can be handled. As a result, firms might use demographics such as gender, age, and background to target certain segments in marketing and advertisements. The criticism of this approach is anchored in the empirical categorization of human emotions and behavior (Bold et al., 2016). As a result, most businesses target this group with the hope of gaining an absolute majority of such a segment to be successful. If such approaches do not succeed, then such targeted approaches might fail. Consequently, the firm’s marketing strategy will not meet its objectives.

This aspect explains why various advertisers utilize a diverse range of techniques in trying to prompt purchasing action from users. One of the techniques used in advertising is the issue of repetition where the advertisers ensure that their product is widely known. As such, they strive to make the brand name known through repeated advertising (Okazaki & Taylor, 2013). The second technique utilized in advertising relates to the concept of creating a bandwagon. The use of this technique aims to portray the product or service as being widely used by several people to convince potential customers in joining the bandwagon of the products’ users. The third technique employed in advertising involves the use of testimonials. This approach is tailored to highlight the superior quality of a particular commodity or service through the testimony of a regular user or an expert in the particular field. As such, this method often entails the appeal to authority (Zhang & Mao, 2016). Other advertisers focus on creating ads that appeal to the emotions of consumers. In addition to the artistic expressions that are meant to initiate a reaction from the customers, other emotional appeals include dreaming, appeal to flattery, and the appeal to ridicule. Finally, the concept of association represents the other technique that advertisers utilize in selling their adverts. This type of advertising incorporates the creation of a link between the commodity and desirable images meant to appeal to the consumers. For this reason, most companies utilize attractive models, picturesque landscapes, and buzzwords that are likely to trigger desired linkages in the customers in endorsing their products or services (Gehrt et al., 2012).

2.2 Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising

The methods used in carrying out product advertisements have been evolving for the last half a century. This transition has seen the use of newspapers, mass media such as radio and cinemas, television, as well as the internet and e-mail as platforms for advertising purposes. However, in recent years, a new way of advertising products and services has emerged (Reddy & Kumar, 2016). This type of publicity is carried out on social media platforms with Facebook being the primary tool. As such, Facebook provides a new model that can be utilized for product promotion in addition to engaging directly with the consumers. The emergence of social media advertising is highlighted by the fact that they account for one out of every five advertisements buyers come across in online platforms. The clamor for social media presence by most companies when it comes to advertising can be attributed to their potential to provide a higher reach and frequency against target markets at reduced expenses compared to the conventional tools for advertising. Additionally, social media sites can be used to attract new clients, maintain contact with the existing consumers, and promote new goods or services (Clark and Levent, 2014). The implication of this aspect is the creation of a high-quality public relations approach that is unique to a particular organization.

Facebook as a social site boasts of over 500 million users worldwide making it the most visited site online. This aspect makes it a perfect tool for business marketing objectives. Since most people can discuss a host of topics both instantly and economically, it provides a means through which consumers can offer product evaluations and complaints to a large global audience. On the other hand, companies can utilize these product discussions as feedback to meet customer needs (Chatzithomas et al., 2014).

Facebook offers an ad service where enterprises can create adverts and upload them for public consumption. The adverts may be in the form of banners or product descriptions that are incorporated in the users’ newsfeed (Bhardwaj & Anupama, 2016). Companies can also create pages where they provide descriptions of their goods or service in addition to uploading videos. For this reason, the effectiveness of Facebook advertising is highlighted by the fact that modern advertising has transformed from push adverting to the trust form of marketing.  As such, Facebook is a potent tool for this kind of product promotion since it promotes participation, realization, personalization, and provision of feedback between the consumers and the firms (Boyd, Clarke & Spekman, 2014).

Fashion is massively based on trends and global influences. As a result, a majority of Facebook users are keen on the trends such as the latest fashions in the market. They share and discuss these issues on this online platform. Since many people have customized Facebook, access has become strongly essential. Some people can be categorized as “addicts” of social media and Facebook. Their presence and use of these sites are heavy. These online sites in their personal lives and choices influence most of these users. For example, dating is done on these sites as well as sharing of crucial information and experiences. This serves to indicate the intimate connection people have with their Facebook accounts. At the same time, it demonstrates the power of influence this site has over people’s lives. It makes it a potent marketing tool for businesses. This is especially the case for issues such as fashion that influences the social and cultural aspects of the day-to-day life.

There are social and governmental campaigns run against heavy use of online social sites such as Facebook. Some of the warnings involve cyber-bullying and defraud artists using online platforms. As a result, there is a culture among a minority of the online population that is skeptical about the authenticity and accuracy of social media information. Such lack of trust poses a massive disadvantage for the use of Facebook for marketing. Additionally, the posts on such a site are not peer-reviewed.

2.3 Social Media and the Fashion Industry

A Harvard Business Review study concerning the reasons as to why companies in India focus on social media advertising in 2010 indicated that the biggest gain most firms targeted was the elevation in awareness of their brands and products. Although this aspect remains the core reason for massive social media presence by Indian companies, the fundamental reason has shifted to the creation of business communities (Chu, Kamal & Yoojung, 2013). As such, recent studies have indicated that most companies focus on building communities and advocates that act for the company both directly and indirectly through the creation of a positive word of mouth.

Facebook is regarded as the most popular social site in India regarding the number of users that utilize its services. This aspect provides an explanation for the fact most have focused their social media advertising on this site (Zhang & Mao, 2016). For instance, 89.6 percent of the companies investigated cited Facebook as the most critical platform for consumer engagement. However, the acceptance of social media platforms in India is not only limited to Facebook. Instead, other sites such as Twitter have a considerable reach across India. In the case of Twitter, it has been utilized as a reach mechanism where firms create certain hash-tags that are subsequently trended online (Verhoef et al., 2009). The penetration of sites such as Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube are also taking root in India. For this reason, it is evident that the integration of networks over social media platforms is the future for Indian brands (Wong, 2013).

Based on the element that social media is the primary source of information in the contemporary world, several businesses have altered their marketing strategies as well. For this reason, it can be stated that social media is transforming the fashion industry in addition to aiding its growth (Okazaki & Taylor, 2013). This perspective can be explained by the fact that social media platforms are helping several designers and fashion corporations in marketing their designs and brands. Among the ways through which the fashion industry has, embraced social media marketing is the replacement of adverts with blogs and marketing approaches that are focused on social advertising. A good illustration of how the fashion industry has embraced social media is the case of Burberry’s marketing plan. Apart from its presence on Facebook and Twitter, its most notable campaign involves YouTube where it encourages the user to express them creatively and artistically in a dramatic way while being recorded. The company’s promotional video incorporates fashion icon David Beckham’s son Romeo (Kim & Eunju, 2012). From this campaign, it is evident that Burberry is trying to portray itself as being committed to high fashion, youth, and fun activities. This case is a clear indication of Burberry’s business savvy approaches where the company has identified the different social media platforms that most consumers utilize mainly the youth. The fact that the campaign promotes creativity is in line with the fact that unique adverts are likely to garner a firm more recognition.

The issue of feedback represents one of the key aspects that are critical to any enterprise in the modern business environment. Most fashion companies invested in various approaches that could be utilized in gaining feedback from the consumers (Chu, Kamal & Yoojung, 2013). However, methods such as surveys have become outdated and may be imprecise in given instances. For this reason, the emergence of social media platforms has been a timely boost to companies in terms of getting accurate feedback from the consumers. This aspect is reinforced by the fact that social media sites ensure that companies get to know what their customers are thinking and responding to the products in the market. Since the feedback is often based on emotional responses, companies end up gaining valuable information without the need to ask for it actively (Bhardwaj & Anupama, 2016).

One of the approaches that have been used in marketing fashion products online is the engagement technique. This aspect has been brought about by the fact that the creation of ads is transitioning from push advertisements to a form that is based on trust (Boyd, Clarke & Spekman, 2014). Based on research studies, most individuals have stated that their purchasing decisions concerning the procurement of goods they see online rely on the number of likes or a number of times the ad has been shared. These individuals cite that the huge number of likes and shares indicates that the specific brand is reputable. For this reason, a large proportion of fashion consumers rely on going through a firm’s page or act on the recommendations or practices of their peers (Gehrt et al., 2012). For this reason, it is important for fashion companies to come up with strategies that focus on engagement marketing on social media platforms.

The social media space is wide and diverse. Targeting and segmentation policies are challenging to pull off on the cyberspace. According to Wong (2013), businesses marketing need to be targeted at a particular market or consumer pool. Dealing with a diverse and volatile platform such as Facebook presents new dynamic and challenging aspects as well. For example, how does the fashion industry segment the Facebook community for targeted marketing? Zaheer (2016) indicates that without targeting and segmentation, the advertisements will not be precise. Consequently, their effectiveness will reduce significantly. As a result, it becomes extremely challenging to establish and assess the effectiveness of the strategies or activities undertaken on social media platforms. Without a techniques or tool to monitor its effect on the customer behavior, it becomes hard to establish how useful it can be as a marketing tool.

The market contains numerous networks of social media that serve different demographics in the society. In this case, businesses are overwhelmed with the options available. However, this ubiquity also indicates the segmentation of the market on these online avenues. Collectively, they represent a mammoth market. However, when segmented, their strength of reach and influence reduces significantly. Consequently, it is challenging to develop and implement an effective marketing strategy on social media (Zhang & Mao, 2016). Without such a plan, it is easy for the marketing initiative to be non-specific and ineffective in delivering the intended message.

Clark & Levent (2014) indicate that the evolution and turnover of social media are high. It is constantly changing with emerging new trends taking effect every often. This makes it highly problematic for marketers to stay on top of these transformations and keep pace with the evolution or changes. It means that they can easily miss on these changes and, thus, miss the opportunities in the market for their businesses. Additionally, advertisements on these sites are similar to a campaign. It means that they should be managed as such. This means massive human resources investment into the business. This is challenging for small firms that are seeking to minimize expenses and maximize profits in the market.

2.4 Attitudes towards Fashion Advertising on Social Media Platforms

Various research inquiries have been conducted to determine the connection between the advertising views across a diverse range of cultural and economic backgrounds. The outcomes of these studies have indicated that individuals in emerging nations such as India tend to have positive outlooks regarding advertising from a general perspective (Loureiro et al., 2012). For instance, in the assessment of the part played by beliefs and attitudes concerning online advertising in the US and India, it was determined that Indian consumers had a more accommodating outlook towards internet advertising compared to their American counterparts. This aspect is attributed to the tangible connection between the level of economic growth, the new media freedom being experienced, and advertising among the customers (Wong, 2013).

In recent years, emerging economies such as India have seen elevated economic development for the last two decades. The implication of this aspect has been an expansion in the prospects for global companies such as fashion enterprises in these markets. For instance, the last ten years saw India’s Gross Domestic Product grow by about 300 percent (Reddy & Kumar, 2016). On the contrary, the American economy is earmarked to experience slow growth with the projected rate being between 2-2.3 percent. As such, it is clear that the two regions have witnessed two distinct economic growth patterns. In the case of India, consumers are experiencing an increase in their socioeconomic standing as well as the amount of disposable income that can be expended on luxury items such as fashion commodities. This aspect explains the positive attitudes held by consumers in emerging economies towards social media advertising (Kim & Eunju, 2012). The implication of this understanding is that companies that come up with effective social media marketing campaigns are more likely to influence purchasing behaviors of consumers in developing nations such as India in comparison to developed countries such as the US.


3.1 Introduction to the Chapter

The methods adopted by a research provide the crucial foundation for carrying out the study in a satisfactory and reliable manner. It provides the philosophical underpinning that influences the thinking behind the methods and tools employed in the paper. This chapter will introduce and evaluate the philosophy that the study adopted. It will review and appraise the research design used. This will include the qualitative and quantitative data approaches that were used in the research. It will evaluate the primary and secondary data strategies that the study adopted to collect the data employed to answer the core questions posed by the survey. The chapter will analyze the merits and demerits of the chosen tools and approaches to research. Finally, the chapter will end with a summary.

3.2 Research Philosophy

Before a study is carried out, it must be formulated. This often involves thinking critically of the core aims that it should meet. This gives raise to questions that guide the investigation or the research. As a result, the research questions are the driver of the targets of the sample, the tools employed and the quality or quantity of data required. However, the thinking behind the overall plan of the study and the ethos that is inherently present in every step of the way is determined by the philosophy (Dörnyei, 2007). It influences the entire methodology, type of data required, and the tools employed to collect data from the field. This study applied the positivism philosophy.

3.2.1 Positivism

The concept of positivism is challenging to explain or pin down succinctly. This is because different researchers approach and employ it differently. Additionally, the settings in which it is use differ as well. As a result, every scientist applies this philosophy according to his or her specific needs or questions they grapple with in their study. However, the underlying meaning of this concept is that science provides the only way to learn the real status of aspects within the society.

The idea belongs to both the methodology and epistemology concepts. As an epistemology, it can be described as a knowing philosophy. However, as a method, it is described as an approach to providing knowledge. The theory provides a framework of the view that “factual” information obtained through observation through the use of sense is trustworthy. Another tool employed in this approach includes measurement of the targeted phenomena in the sample environment. In this method, the role of the researcher is limited to the collection of data and the subsequent interpretation through objective analysis (Dörnyei, 2007). The research observations or the data targeted is often observable and, thus, quantifiable.

The rationale of this philosophy choice for this study is that it will allow the observation and appraising of the targeted phenomena in their regular or traditional environment. It does not allow for the change or manipulation of the sample. The core objective of the researcher is collecting data through observations, questioning, and evaluation of the comments. This study aims to evaluate the use of Facebook in India. It is intended to appraise how the fashion sector firms have employed Facebook as a crucial tool in an advertisement (O’Keeffe & Clarke-Pearson, 2011). Additionally, this study will evaluate the impact of a Facebook commercial on the behavior and conduct of the target customers regarding their purchase behavior and perceptions of the goods produced by the Indian fashion sector. A positivist approach allows the study to observe the fashion industry in India, employ tools such as surveys and interviews to collect data without interfering with their day-to-day functioning and operations of the firms or the customers aimed for marketing exercises.

3.3 Research Approach

3.3.1 Deductive Approach

This approach employed the deductive method to carry out sequentially the research and ensure it meets the objectives set. The primary rationale for a deductive approach is testing the hypothesis. This is performed based on existing theory on the subject matter targeted by the research. The research is then designed to check the set interpretation and in the process provide qualitative and quantitative specifics pointing to the answers of the central research questions. As a result, propositions mark the beginning of a deductive study. It aims to derive or deduct conclusions from such premises (Okazaki & Taylor, 2013). The study starts with an expected pattern that is then tested against the empirical observations made by the survey.

In this study, the primary target is to appraise the effectiveness or Facebook as a marketing tool among the fashion companies in India on young consumers. Literature indicates that advertising and commercialization a massive tool at influencing consumer behavior, increasing the product visibility in the market, enhancing the brand equity, as well as expanding and growing the market share and the business. The expectation is that any marketing approaches employed by businesses have an effect to some degree on its intended audience r market segment. Additionally, the literature indicates that Facebook is part of the social media phenomenon that is growing at a tremendous rate with millions of Indians using it for communication, interaction, news, and entertainment. Recently, businesses have tapped into social media as a potential marketing tool and a platform to provide such a firm’s access to millions of possible customers. However, it has not been established whether this approach is effective in the fashion industry in India. The response to marketing and consumer behavior is different from one country to another (Hanna, Rohm & Crittenden, 2011). In fact, aspects such as background, culture, religion, and demographics have an essential influence on purchase decisions consumers make. The study started with this theoretical framework and informational experience. The hypothesis is here driven by the aim of establishing the effectiveness of Facebook in influencing the attitudes of the young consumers towards Indian designer brands.

3.4 Research Design

The design of the research intended to provide answers to the questions posed by the study at the start. The design also provides the crucial areas from which the study will obtain its study. It will apply the exploratory and conclusive approaches in the design.

3.4.1 Explorative Research

This targeted the provision of a background to the primary research question or objective. This was provided through a systematic literature review. This provides a high informational basis for the development and planning of the study. It allowed the researcher to develop the methodology of the survey based on the prior successes, failures, challenges, and recommendations regarding literature gaps and improvements on the past studies on the subject or related issues.

3.4.2 Conclusive Research

The study was overall descriptive of the object. In this case, the research aimed to describe the situation in the fashion industry marketing and advertising activities in India. It also targeted to evaluate the relationship between Facebook and the marketing plan for these firms as well as the relationship that this combination shares with the attitudes and behavior of the young consumer sin the country (Tuten, 2008).

3.5 Data Collection

This study employed the mixed method in its collection and subsequent analysis and interpretation of data. It employed both research paradigms, the qualitative and quantitative approaches.

3.5.1 Qualitative Research

The qualitative approach provides a massive avenue for the study to understand the meanings, explanations, descriptions, and analysis of the significant phenomena encountered during the survey. For example, qualitative data will explain the effects of the day-to-day use of Facebook to the young consumers, the merits of employing Facebook as a marketing tool and the best forms of approaches that can be used to advertise or market on Facebook such as pictures, blogs or videos (Neuman, 2002). Overall, this approach provides meaning and rationale to the observations obtained by the study during the study.

3.5.2 Quantitative Research

The quantitative approach aimed to provide the numerical data or figures to back up, augment, or check the qualitative assertions. This will provide the empirical backing of the main observations the study will make during the research.

3.5.3 Secondary Data

The secondary data will be collected from books, journals, peer-reviewed articles, periodicals, company publications, magazines, and newspapers. The secondary data will serve the exploratory service of the study. It will provide the background for the study conceptualization, planning, and execution. It will also provide a standard reference of literature during the deductive process of the survey that will test the hypothesis and provide answers to the major questions posed by the study.

3.5.3 Primary Data

Primary data will serve as the core source of empirical data for the study. It will represent the data collected through the tools implemented by the research. In this case, the study chose the questionnaire survey and interview as the tools to employ in this study. Questionnaire

The study employed an online survey to reach the 150 respondents and prompt them to fill the questionnaires. Their addresses (email addresses) were obtained from the companies who reliably target their customers through email communications and use their Facebook accounts for marketing. The research then contacted the potential respondents and walked them through the study, what it meant, how it would protect their privacy, and, thus, obtained informed consent for their participation in the study.

The questionnaire will target the young consumers in India. The criterion is surveying customers of the designer products of Indian firms that use Facebook. These are either heavy or light Facebook users that have been contacted or encountered the advertisements or commercial posts of the Indian companies on Facebook. The questionnaire will aim to discern the age, gender, and occupation of the respondents because these factors play a significant role in influencing their use of Facebook and attraction to the designer products from the fashion industry in the country (Sandelowski, 2000). Additionally, the questionnaire will strive to establish the education level of the individuals surveyed. This will provide an indication about the segmentation of these companies, the decision-making of the consumers, and the susceptibility of these young individuals to style, design, and the buzz created by social media platforms such as Facebook. It will also aim to establish the dependence of these users of Facebook for information and other aspects, the trust they place on the information they obtain on the site and the impact of the advertisements of the fashion designer companies in India on Facebook.

The survey will employ 150 respondents. The age bracket for the participants will be between 15 and 30 years. This is because these individuals are considered young and studies indicate they are highly active on social media, and especially Facebook. As a result, they are highly likely to be targeted for marketing or advertising initiatives by the fashion companies in India.

This approach will provide a varied and diverse approach to understanding the core aim of the study. It will provide information or data from the young users’ perspective. This is crucial to the study because it ensures there is an in-depth analysis of one side of the spectrum that the survey is surveying or researching. The approach also provides both qualitative and quantitative data from the three sections (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). This variation offers an advantage of checks and balances within the data collected to ensure it is verifiable and meets the criteria set by the study in the designing of the methodology and the main research questions. Interview Method

The semi-structured interview will be targeted. In this case, the objective of the study will be on the designer fashion companies operating in India. The study targeted three groups namely:

  • Rohit Bal
  • Ritu Wears
  • Sabyasachi

These firms are among the top Indian apparel or fashion industry companies operating in the market. Additionally, the study will utilize three products, one from each company. This will be to evaluate its marketing on Facebook and assess the reaction of the young consumer market in India. The interview will be carried out with the three marketing executives of these three companies (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Since they work in marketing, they have a unique insight into the marketing approaches and the strategic decisions or designs that inform the decision to employ social media marketing, especially the use of Facebook.

The interviews will target on core issues for this study such as the role of social media in marketing approaches and the strategic marketing techniques employed by these firms. Additionally, the interview will press on understanding the advantages these enterprises realize for using Facebook rather than the conventional marketing tools such as television and print (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Moreover, this approach will appraise the lead these firms have when accessing the younger generation of customers when employing Facebook as their primary marketing tool.

The interviews were carried put through making telephone calls to the targeted marketing executives of the three companies that the company aimed to review.

3.6 Limitations of the Study

Privacy issues in the use of social media might be a massive challenge to get around when collecting data from the site as well as from the users. Additionally, the diversity of the use of social media makes it challenging to get reliable individuals and data from the participants. It is challenging to track the reaction of people on Facebook or social media as a whole because of its volatility and diversity of views expressed thereon.

Conducting interviews is time-consuming and sometimes expensive, especially if travel is involved.

3.7 Ethical Considerations

The study will focus on maintaining the privacy of the participants. The collected data will be stored in confidence and the personal information they provide for the purposes of the study will not be divulged to third parties without the informed express consent of the respondents in question. The study will take the raw data and analyze it without tampering or manipulation. The policy “follow the data” will be implemented. The study will seek to express the true status of the subject matter and targeted phenomena without interference of the researcher or the analysis process.

3.7 Reliability and Validity

3.7.1 Reliability

The study employed the mixed method. This means that the combination of qualitative and quantitative data approaches and the subsequent data collected increases the reliability of the survey. It allows for comparative analysis, verification, and balances of the gathered data. Additionally, the use of secondary and primary data together provides an excellent background and guide or theoretical underpinning for the rest of the study. It allows for the deductive process, testing of the hypothesis, and analysis according to the similarities or differences, and new aspects emanating from the study. This serves to increase the reliability of the study.

3.7.2 Validity

Facebook is massively used in India today. Statistics indicate that 108.9 million people use Facebook in India making it the second largest user of this service behind the US in the world. Facebook provides connectivity or a network of over 108 million people; this is a huge base for marketing for businesses. Studies indicate that over 121 million citizens in India had access to the Internet connection by 2011. The study aims to evaluate the effect of Facebook to the attitudes of the young people (high users of Facebook) in India towards the advertisements posted by fashion industry enterprises. The approach to study the enterprises, as well as the young consumers, increases the validity of the study. It allows it to marry these two sections after data has been collected and seek for correlations without influencing the data.

3.8 Chapter Summary

The study employed the positivism philosophy in this research. It allowed the observation and appraising of the targeted phenomena in their typical or traditional environment. It does not allow for the change or manipulation of the sample. The research applied the mixed method in its collection and subsequent analysis and interpretation of data. It employed both research paradigms, the qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study utilized both primary and secondary data. The questionnaire survey and interview were used as the tools collect primary data. Secondary data was collected from will be gathered from books, journals, peer-reviewed articles, periodicals, company publications, magazines, and newspapers.


4.1 Introduction to the Chapter

This chapter will provide the qualitative and quantitative data as collected from the study. As a result, it will provide the data from the questionnaire survey as well as the interview. It will present the data in tables, graphs, and charts where appropriate.

4.2 Questionnaire Results

4.2.1 Quantitative Data

Part I


  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Unspecified
Prompt Response
Male 77
Female 70
Unspecified 3

Among the respondents, 51 percent were male while 47 percent were females. The remaining two percent did not specify their gender for reasons that were not provided. This question was included in the study because gender plays a role in designer fashion products, trends, as well as the use of Facebook. As a result, the target here is to link the relationship between gender and the attitudes exhibited towards advertisements of fashion companies in India towards the use of Facebook for advertisement.


  1. 15-18
  2. 19-24
  3. 25-30
Age Response
15-18 40
19-24 72
25-30 38

Age is a massive factor in the use of social media as well as the use of designer fashion products in the market. In fact, the three companies studied indicated that age is a crucial factor in their segmentation of the market into the young and adults demographics. The millennials are especially crucial to these companies. The study focused on the young generation in India. Among the respondents, 48 percent of them were aged between 19 and 24 years. Another 27 percent were between 15 and 18 years, while the remaining 25 percent were aged between 25 and 30 years.


  1. Student
  2. Employed
  3. Unemployed
Prompt Response
Student 76
Employed 38
Unemployed 36

Most of the students are involved in the use of social media, especially Facebook. From the survey, 51 percent of the respondents were found to be students, 25 percent were employed while the remaining 24 percent were unemployed. This question was meant to explore the demographic targeted by these companies on Facebook. They are a young generation of individuals most of whom are studying at some level. The employment factor might indicate affordability of the more expensive products in the market. The student section indicates that they might be reliant on their parents, guardians, benefactors, or even working alongside studies. As a result, it might indicate a need to provide affordable products in the market.

Level of Education

  1. Uneducated
  2. Secondary school
  3. Graduate level
  4. Post-Graduate
Prompt Response
Uneducated 8
Secondary school 9
Graduate level 114
Post-Graduate 19

Studies indicate that the level of education influences the use of social media. For example, for one to use Facebook or any other social media platform, they need to have literacy of reading, writing, typing, and other online skills. In this case, this question is crucial to establish the literacy level of the targeted market segment by the fashion industry in India. From the results, 76 percent of the respondents were at the graduate level. This indicates a massive section of this group that is not only literate, but at the degree level of education. This is a highly educated segment of the market. Another 11 percent were at the secondary level and uneducated group while the remaining 12 percent were in the post-graduate category of the study. This group can discern the advertisements, read the labels, colors, brands, quality, value for money, and other details necessary for purchase decisions. These aspects can also shape their attitudes towards these companies.

What is your brand of choice?

  1. Rohit Bal
  2. Ritu Wears
  3. Sabyasachi
Brand Response
Rohit Bal 61
Ritu Wears 52
Sabyasachi 37

The brand in the market is crucial in this study. Consumer purchase decisions and behaviors are determined by the brand equity, reputation, and prestige of a certain brand or product in the market.  The study provided three brands for the respondents to choose from, these brands were featured in the study. From the survey, 40 percent of the respondents preferred Rohit Bal, 35 percent chose Ritu Wears, while the remaining 25 percent chose 25 percent. This indicates massive awareness of the respondents of these brands in the market. It also indicates that these companies have done effectively in their quest to increase their visibility in the market and win a market share as well.

Part II

Part I: Please Rate these Questions to your Opinion

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  1. I get most of my information on Facebook
Rating No. of Respondents
Strongly Disagree 20
Disagree 38
Neutral 4
Agree 37
Strongly Agree 51

This question was included in the study to establish the reliance on Facebook for information among the respondents. This is because a high reliance would indicate high chances of success for the advertisements on this site and vice versa. From the study, a combined 88 respondents agreed that they rely on Facebook for information. This translates to 59 percent of the participants. A combined 39 percent (58 respondents) disagreed that they can rely on Facebook for information. The remaining 2 percent remained neutral on the question.

From these results, the individuals that have a high reliance on information imply that they have closely knit networks where they can share reliable information. As a result, they share their experiences on their lives including the views on certain products and designer fashion goods that are on sale or advertised on Facebook. However, the reservations expressed speak to the nature of the information on the site. It can be posted by anyone at any time. There is no standard or regulation regarding the accuracy of the claims. The information is often not peer-reviewed. This has contributed to the non-reliability on this site for empirical facts. The balance from the survey indicates that the majority of the respondents believe that the information they obtain from Facebook is reliable. This scenario is helpful to the fashion firms advertising on this site because the chances of such this marketing approach being successful increase significantly.

  1. I use Facebook on a daily basis
Rating No. of Respondents
Strongly Disagree 18
Disagree 20
Neutral 4
Agree 28
Strongly Agree 80

The frequency of using Facebook influences the possibility or the frequency with which the users access the advertisements posted on the site. From the survey, 58 percent of the participants strongly indicated that they use Facebook on a daily basis. Another 19 percent agreed that they use it daily. It sums up to 77 percent of the respondents that use the site on a daily basis. This forms a massive daily audience for advertising. As a result, it means the fashion enterprises have an audience to target daily with their marketing approaches. The effectiveness of Facebook as an advertising platform is based on the ability to access the targeted audience or market. In this case, the fashion companies in India have access to a huge audience on Facebook. This makes it an effective target for such commercials or advertisements.

  1. Facebook helps in providing information on the latest trends
Rating No. of Respondents
Strongly Disagree 20
Disagree 22
Neutral 3
Agree 31
Strongly Agree 72

Facebook offers instant access, update, sharing, liking, and posting of texts, videos, as well as links to other sites. The instantaneous sharing of information means that the site forms a home for the latest trends and happenings in the world. For this study, the fashion industry in India has an effective tool in Facebook to post and provide the latest updates on their production lines. As a result, consumers can access the up to date information, trends, color, quality, and reaction of the market on Facebook. From the study, 70 percent of the respondents agree that Facebook provides the latest trends in the society, including the fashion industry’s developments such as the release of new clothing lines, colors, patterns, prices, promotions and offers provide by the firms operating in the Indian market.

Facebook provides a platform for communication, news, and social interaction. Primarily, it provides a network for related and non-related individuals to share information, experiences, views and opinions. It includes sharing links to videos, blogs and articles. In this sense, it allows for the sharing of op-eds, peer-reviewed articles, and content sharing. As a result, it allows businesses to create content and posting it on Facebook to its followers. It can also use hash-tags as well as trending topics to reach customers and influence the conversation. To create a trend or a hash-tag on Facebook, the firms need to create a buzz among the user. This can be done with content creation approaches that evoke emotion among the users. It also means providing the latest trends, fashion, news, as well as events in the fashion world.

  1. Facebook showcases fashion better and reliably than dress shows on the following aspects:
  • Trends
  • Color
  • Details
Rating No. of Respondents
Trends 62
Color 22
Designs 31
Details 7
Prestige 28

From the survey, 41 percent of the participants indicated that Facebook highlighted the trend in the fashion industry better than the conventional means of marketing and communication such as fashion shows, television, radio, and print media advertisements. Another 21 percent indicated that it represents the designs better, 19 percent indicated that Facebook highlights [prestige, 14 percent posited that the site show cased color while the remaining 5 percent posited that it provides the details better than the traditional approaches mentioned above.

  1. With Facebook, I can easily and reliably access information
Rating No. of Respondents
Strongly Disagree 50
Disagree 35
Neutral 6
Agree 39
Strongly Agree 20

On the issue of reliable access to information, the survey indicated that 39 percent of the respondents agreed that it provides reliable access to information. Around 57 percent of the participants disagreed that it provides reliable access to information, while the remaining 4 percent remained neutral.

  1. Facebook marketing or advertising is effective
Rating No. of Respondents
Strongly Disagree 21
Disagree 20
Neutral 17
Agree 41
Strongly Agree 51

From the survey, 61 percent of the participants posited that advertising on Facebook is effective. This was a massive support of this approach to marketing, considering that only 28 percent disagreed. The remaining 11 percent remained neutral on the question. The reason for the high support for the effectiveness of the Facebook advertising approach is based on access, volume of audience, and the segmentation policies applied by the companies. Facebook can be accessed by anyone who wants to create an account and has access to internet. In the Indian society, the use of Facebook is high. This means more and more people, especially the millennials are using Facebook. This creates a huge online audience for the fashion companies to target in their advertisements.  Most of these companies are running specific and targeted adverts at the young generation audience. The young generation is predominantly using social media. As a result, the chances of these marketing initiatives being effective increase significantly for the enterprises.

  1. Advertisements on Facebook develop a personal resonance compared to television, print or radio.
Rating No. of Respondents
Strongly Disagree 12
Disagree 9
Neutral 8
Agree 60
Strongly Agree 61

The advertisements on Facebook are not timed to air at a specific time. This means that the user can access and choose to play the advertisement in case of a video. This is convenient for a user. Additionally, pop-ups can be used for pictures and texts can be used to display the fashion products. The use of content creation and videos means that users can share them with one other using Facebook or any other social media platforms such as Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and Pinterest. This provides a wider reach to for the companies selling or promoting their products, which leads to increased visibility in the market and, thus, an expanded market share.

  1. Advertisements on Facebook are likely to be successful compared to other media avenues.
Rating No. of Respondents
Strongly Disagree 35
Disagree 26
Neutral 19
Agree 29
Strongly Agree 41

A combined 47 percent indicated that Facebook advertisement is likely to succeed. Another 41 percent disagreed with the likelihood success for the Facebook marketing approach compared to the other approaches. This indicates that although this approach is likely to be a success, the firm still needs to diversify its marketing strategies beyond just Facebook. This is because the market is vast and dynamic. Facebook provides a huge reach; however, it does not provide an extensive and integrated approach to the entire market.

4.2.2 Qualitative Data

  1. Does the use of Facebook affect your day-today activities you undertake?

Most of the respondents indicated that Facebook affects their day-to-day activities, but not in a negative manner. In fact, a majority indicated that it augments their activities. This is the information age. It means most people want to be informed on the go as they carry out their activities and duties such as work, studies as well as household chores. Facebook provides entertainment value, informative, and a tool for social interaction and keeping touch with friends, family, as well as issues and individuals of interest such as fashion, celebrities, and other socioeconomic or political issues.

The ubiquitous presence of Facebook in the daily lives of these people means that firms have easy access to this audience. This highly likelihood of using the site means the likelihood of watching or seeing an advertisement of the fashion industry increases. This makes it an effective tool for marketing.

  1. What is the advantage of Facebook advertisement compared to radio, television and print approaches?

Facebook advertisement applied direct segmentation policy to access the younger audiences that are predominantly present on social media sites such as Facebook. The marketer is aware of the demographics on this platform and, thus, tailors the marketing message to increase the chances of success.

Most of the respondents indicate that Facebook provides convenience in the communication process as well as a wide spectrum or network of friends, family, and other social connection within India and without as well. This indicates that Facebook advertising has a huge impact in shaping the attitudes of the young Indians regarding fashion products from the local firms. The transition into the technology age is catching up with India as it emerges as one of the major economies in the world. As a result, the trend of online marketing as well as social media marketing strategic approaches is a growing one, especially within the expanding apparel sector.

  1. What is the best form of advertisement: video, blog, or picture?

Most respondents indicated that videos are the most effective forms of advertisement. The reasons given include interesting, captivating, riveting, targeted, and resonating. The use of blogs is effective but not as interesting as the videos. Blogs contain information within written text, which has to be read. Reading is not as interesting. On the other hand, the use of pictures is also effective and summarizes a message into one picture or a few pictures. Respondents indicated that a picture captures the imagination of the user and allow them to see details such as the color, pattern, design, and other details about the fashion products.

From the survey, the pictures and videos were the best tools to employ in Facebook advertisement. They resonate with the users and capture their interest as well, which is crucial in the quest of influencing the attitudes of these young individuals targeted by the firms in the market.

4.3 Interview Results

4.3.1 Qualitative Results

From the interviews, social media plays a crucial role for Rohit Bal and Ritu Wears firms. However, the role of social media for Sabyasachi is significantly reduced. Rohit Bal and Ritu Wears have designed and implemented marketing strategies that include the use of social media as a tool. As a result, they use Facebook to access audiences and advertise their products. From the survey above, these two companies have the biggest brand recognition among the surveyed individuals as illustrated below. Sabyasachi has the last recognition among the three. The company’s marketing officer indicated that they have specialized their marketing to name recognition such as the use of household names and celebrities. They posit that this has a massive value at creating a buzz compared to the use of Facebook.

The strategic marketing approaches adopted by Rohit Bal and Ritu Wears include the segmentation of Facebook and timing the advertisements. For example, these companies post their heated advertisements in the evenings or during weekends to maximize access. Content creation is another strategic approach employed. It involves the compiling of a video that focuses on certain social or cultural issues close to the targeted audience. For example, aspects involving the Indian Premier League (IPL) and playing Cricket, a very popular game, this can then be used to pass a marketing message for either Rohit Bal or Ritu Wears to their followers on Facebook.

The use of Facebook has an advantage to the young Indians because they use the site in the millions. This means the companies have access to a huge audience. If effectively used, this approach can help build the name recognition, brand equity, and market share that can help them to grow and expand the competitive Indian fashion and apparel sector.

The cost of using Facebook marketing and advertisement is massively cheaper compared to the traditional approaches such as television, print, and radio. As a result, it offers a cheap and ultimately effective approach to advertisement.


5.1 The influence of Facebook

India is big in Social media. Millions of Indians are on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram. The primary use of these sites is communication and interaction with their friends, family, and social connection (followers). Access to Facebook is carried out through laptops as well as smartphones. It is the surge of smartphones that has revolutionized the access and use of social media in India. Companies such as Apple and Samsung have targeted India as a core market because of its “emerging global economy” status alongside China. Additionally, the sheer size of the consumer market in the country means that social media coverage is extensive. This creates a massive network or audience for companies to target for marketing or advertisement.

The influence of Facebook on the day-to-day lives of individuals is staggering. A majority of the members of the society want to be informed on the go as they carry out their activities and duties Facebook provides entertainment value, informative, and a tool for social interaction and keeping touch with friends, family, as well as issues and individuals of interest such as fashion, celebrities, and other socioeconomic or political issues. The widespread presence and use of Facebook in the daily lives of these people means that firms have easy access to this audience. This highly likelihood of using the site means the likelihood of watching or seeing an advertisement of the fashion industry increases. This makes it an effective tool for marketing.

A majority of the Indian fashion firms employ Facebook marketing as part of their strategic approaches. It follows a business transformation that targets digital and online marketing as the new frontier of the marketing approach occurring globally. The Indian fashion companies are following suit. As a result, Facebook advertisement has increased in the marketing sector, especially among the firms operating in the fashion and apparel sector.

There is a massive connection between Facebook-based marketing and the attraction of young Indian fashion consumers. The young population in the country is “heavy” users of social media and, thus, has a huge presence on Facebook. This relatively young audience is technology-savvy and spends most of their time online interacting, learning, and getting entertained. As a result, Facebook advertisement will most likely target this young audience. As a result, in order to influence the attitudes and behavior of the young population in India, or the millennials, these companies have to design advertisements and content that meets the preferences, tastes, and needs of this audience.

5.2 Benefits of the Fashion Industry from Facebook

Most companies employ pictures, videos, and blogs to market or display their products to the users of these platforms. In turn, this enhances the visibility of the products, reputation as well as the brand equity. A positive reception of this product on Facebook might translate into tangible day-to-day customers for these fashion enterprises in the market. The use of blogs is effective in delivering text-form information, reviews, criticisms, and experiences in the use of the subject products. However, this form is not as interesting as the videos. Reading is not as interesting to the majority of the youth in India as indicated from the survey. On the other hand, the use of pictures is effective at communicating and delivering a message to the young consumers. Pictures provide a summary of a message into one picture or a few pictures. The survey indicated that a picture captures the imagination of the user and allow them to see details such as the color, pattern, design, and other details about the fashion products.

Facebook is the preferred choice for advertisement because it has a massive following. It allows for the posting of long videos, long texts or reviews and critiques in terms of feedback that aid the marketing process. The millions of Facebook users in India coupled with the ease of access, use and the ability to post pictures, text reviews and videos make it the preferred form of marketing for the fashion brands in India. Additionally, the cost of marketing is much cheaper compared to the conventional forms of marketing. In some cases, it is completely free.

Facebook functions in the user-followers format. Here, an individual shares a text, picture, link, or video and it can be accessed to all the “friends” or followers of the individual. Therefore, firms encourage customers to follow or befriend the company’s account on Facebook. Armed with these followers, the firm can post these advertisements to its followers who, in turn, might share them to their friends. This cascade creates a wide reach for the commercials posted on Facebook, especially if they resonate.


6.1 Conclusion

The study provides an overall outlook that Facebook has an extensive influence in the day-to-day lives of the users. India has millions of these users that indicate that they use it on a daily basis or every often. Additionally, the research indicates that a significant number of companies in the country target this platform because it provides access to these users in their millions.

From the research, Facebook forms an effective marketing tool that provides aces to a predominantly young population or potential market. The study also showed that it has the capability of shaping and influencing the attitudes of the young users in India. As a result, businesses can employ this factor to implement their marketing strategic approaches.

The research indicates that the millennial generation has shown a massive affinity towards the use of technology. As a result, they form a good target for Facebook advertisement. This is not the same with the baby boomer generation that is generally not as technology-savvy as the generation Y.

From the study, Facebook has a huge influence on the day-to-day lives of young people in India. As a result, it shapes their thoughts, mindsets, and attitudes. This includes their opinion, view, and behavior towards goods and services. An example from the study is the huge influence it has on this demographic regarding the fashion industry products in the market.

6.2 Recommendations to Improve the Facebook Advertising

The firms should not assume that Facebook is exclusively used by the youth and, a single marketing approach will work. The companies still need to segment, position and target these users. As a result, targeted and specific advertisement appealing to such segments should be employed.

Analysis approaches of the effectiveness of this mode of marketing should be put in place. These strategies will appraise the effectiveness of using Facebook at enhancing the firm’s brand equity as well as the market share.

6.3 Recommendation for Future Research

There is a need to explain the transition of attitudes and behavior towards Facebook between generation X and generation Y. This is because the young generation has a high use of Facebook compared to the older generation. What is the correlation between attitudes towards the use of Facebook and the age of an individual?

Additionally, there is a need for companies to ensure their advertisements are viewed. For example, in a television commercial, firms prefer to air their advertisements during primetime to optimize the audience. What is the equivalent of primetime on Facebook? How does a company optimize the chances of users viewing its advertisements and commercials? It will help increase the effectiveness of Facebook advertisement as a marketing approach.


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Questionnaire Survey

Part I


  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Unspecified


  1. 15-18
  2. 19-24
  3. 25-30


  1. Student
  2. Employed
  3. Unemployed

Level of Education

  1. Uneducated
  2. Secondary school
  3. Graduate level
  4. Post-Graduate

What is your brand of choice?

  1. Rohit Bal
  2. Ritu Wears
  3. Sabyasachi


Part II

Part I: Please Rate these Questions to your Opinion

  1. Strongly Disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neutral
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly Agree
  1 2 3 4 5
I get most of my information on Facebook          
I use Facebook on a daily basis          
Facebook helps in providing information on the latest trends          
Facebook showcases fashion better and reliably than dress shows on the following aspects:

a.       Trends

b.      Color

c.       Details

With Facebook, I can easily and reliably access information          
Facebook marketing or advertising is effective          
Advertisements on Facebook develop a personal resonance compared to television, print or radio.          
Advertisements on Facebook are likely to be successful compared to other media avenues.          


Part II: Answer the Following Questions

  1. Does the use of Facebook affect your day-today activities you undertake?
  2. What is the advantage of Facebook advertisement compared to radio, television and print approaches?
  3. What is the best form of advertisement: video, blog, or picture?


1) What is the role of social media in the marketing of the company?
2) What is the strategic marketing employed in Facebook marketing?
3) What advantage does Facebook provide in accessing the younger fashion consumers?
4) What does it make to employ Facebook marketing as compared to the other conventional approaches such as television, print, and radio?

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